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Monday, May 24, 2010

Early Modern Design Style

The term Early Modernism refers to a wide range of experimental design styles from 1910 – 1935. The styles included under the Early Modern umbrella are Bauhaus, Constructivism, Dada, De Stijl, Expressionism, Futurism, Heroic Realism, The New Typography, Plakatsil, Surrealism and Vorticism. The label ‘Aant Garde’ (meaning new or experimental) can also be used to describe this style of design. The early modern artists broke free from the over the top Victorian style that came before to create something completely new and experimental.

This piece by Piet Mondrian from 1930 is a typical example of the Dutch art movement De Stijl which translates to ‘The Style’. Its use of geometric 
shapes in primary colours with black outlines is distinctly De Stijl and early modern. I was really attracted to this piece 
because of its bold and spontaneous style. 

This piece by Alexander Rodchenko from1915 
uses pure geometric abstraction with precise curved shapes to create a dynamic and interesting look. I am really attracted to its mathematical and progressive look. 

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